Confidential Paris Logo
Confidential Paris Logo
Inside the Pantheon monument

Legal stuff

Confidential Paris is published by Gray Matters.
Founder & President: Ellen Scherer
Address: 9 rue Alexandre Cabanel, 75015 Paris
SIRET: 90060447100012
RCS: Paris B 900 604 471
Site hosted by: PlanetHoster
Photo credits: © Théo Scherer (@theojackscherer and website)
Other photo credits: Creative Commons

Privacy policy

Confidential Paris is committed to protecting your privacy. Your data and privacy are safe with us for a simple reason: we do not collect any personal information unless you voluntarily provide us with your personal data through our contact form.

To protect your privacy, this website collects only anonymized traffic data through Clicky, which is fully GDPR-compliant and does not use tracking cookies. Temporary cookies may be used for other technical functionalities, such as sessions or contact form, but they do not store any personal data and are deleted when you leave the website. Permanent and third-party cookies are never used.

The only data we process are the information you provide us through the contact form, which we will never share without your consent. Such data are based on our legitimate interest in the processing of the requests addressed to us (Art.6 Para.1 of GDPR). They may be stored until you ask us to erase them or revoke your consent to its archiving.
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